Effects of adding too much hardener to resin
Adding too much hardener to resin is not the right way at all!!!
Adding a small amount of hardener has a positive effect, however you need to know what happens to dry the resin quickly if you add too much hardener؟!
When you buy epoxy resin and hardner, you will be delivered a package that includes an epoxy resin container and a hardner container.
These two containers are designed for use together and are sold in one package.
These materials do not dry by themselves.When Hardner is added to the epoxy resin, a chemical reaction takes place between them and causes the solution to heat up and become a solid object. Without heat production, the solution will never turn into a solid.
Each epoxy resin has its own instructions that state how much of the two you should combine with each other.
Now you might say to yourself that if a small amount of hardener has a positive effect, then it is better to add more to make sure your epoxy resin is definitely dry. But you should know that adding too much hardener to resin is not the right way at all!
Adding too much hardener causes problems that we state here:
1_ Working time with epoxy resin is reduced:
The time to work with the resin or when the resin is not yet dry is when you can work with the combination of resin and hardener before the combination dries. If the amount of hardener is too much, the compound will heat up very quickly and may even dry before you can use it.
2_ The hardness of the resin may not be what you expect:
According to the resin formula written in the manufacturer, your resin may become more brittle and brittle if you add a hardener. It may remain soft and sticky with other formulas. It may be strange, but adding a lot of hardener has a negative effect on the drying of the resin.
Epoxy resin work tips:
1_ Paying attention to the order of consumption and observing the exact mixing ratio:
To work with resin, the main task is to observe the ratio of mixing resin with hardener، If the mixing ratio is two to one, for example, mix one hundred grams of resin and fifty grams of hardener together. It is recommended to use digital scales with warm sensitivity and avoid volume and eye mixing.
2_ How to mix resin:
Stir the resin and hardener well (3 to 5 minutes) until you have a completely uniform composition. If the hardener and resin are not mixed well, the resin will remain wet and undried in places of your final work، Do the stirring patiently and well.
Note: Stir the compound slowly; Because fast stirring causes many bubbles in the resin. It is better after the combination of resin and hardener, which is stirred very slowly، Place the resin and hardener mixture in a boiling water container and rest the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes until the bubbles have a chance to come out.
3_ Working at the right temperature:
It is not recommended to use resin in cold weather (environment less than 25 degrees) or resin with a temperature of less than 20 degrees. Due to the increase in concentration، Bubbling is done very hard and the bond between epoxy and hardener will not be established well. It is better to keep the temperature of the resin and hardener as well as the ambient temperature within the mentioned range.
4_ Resin and Hardner drying process:
After mixing the hardener with the resin, depending on the type of resin, it takes 8 to 48 hours for the resin and hardener mixture to dry، But after about a week, it reaches complete difficulty and is suitable for turning and polishing. It should be noted that novices should pay attention to the fact that they weigh and use resin and hardener as much as they need، At the very beginning, do not mix the resin and hardener completely because after drying you will have an unused solid.